Danfo.js Documentation
Danfo.js is an open-source, JavaScript library providing high-performance, intuitive, and easy-to-use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data.
Danfo.js is heavily inspired by the Pandas library and provides a similar interface and API. This means users familiar with the Pandas API can easily use Danfo.js.
Main Features
Danfo.js is fast and supports Tensorflow.js's tensors out of the box. This means you can convert Danfo.js DataFrames to Tensors, and vice versa.
Easy handling of missing data (represented as
NaN, undefined, or null
) in dataSize mutability: columns can be inserted/deleted from DataFrames
Powerful, flexible, groupby functionality to perform split-apply-combine operations on data sets, for both aggregating and transforming data
Make it easy to convert Arrays, JSONs, List or Objects, Tensors, and differently-indexed data structures into DataFrame objects
Intelligent label-based slicing, fancy indexing, and querying of large data sets
Robust IO tools for loading data from flat-files (CSV and delimited), Excel, and JSON data format.
Powerful, flexible, and intiutive API for plotting DataFrames and Series interactively.
Timeseries-specific functionality: date range generation and date and time properties.
Robust data preprocessing functions like OneHotEncoders, LabelEncoders, and scalers like StandardScaler and MinMaxScaler are supported on DataFrame and Series
Getting Started
New to Danfo? Check out the getting started guides. It contains a quick introduction to D_anfo's_ main concepts and links to additional content.
API Reference
The reference guide contains a detailed description of the danfo API. The reference describes how each function works and which parameters can be used.
User Guides/Tutorials
Building Data Driven Applications with Danfo.js - Book
Contributing Guide
Want to help improve our documentation and existing functionalities? The contributing guidelines will guide you through the process.
Release Notes
Last updated
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