
Convert DataFrame to JSON format

Deprecated in v1.1.0: Use the dfd.toJSON function directly instead







object, optional

Configuration object:

filePath: Local file path to write the CSV file to. If not specified, the CSV will be returned as a string. Only needed in Nodejs version

fileName: The name of the file to download as. Only needed in browser environment.

format: The format of the JSON. Can be one of row or column.

{ format: "column" }

The toJSON function can be used to write out a DataFrame or Series to JSON format/file. The output is configurable and will depend on the environment. In the following examples, we show you how to write/download a JSON file from Node and Browser environments.

Convert DataFrame/Series to JSON and return value

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")

let data = {
  Abs: [20.2, 30, 47.3],
  Count: [34, 4, 5],
  "country code": ["NG", "FR", "GH"],

let df = new dfd.DataFrame(data);

const jsonObj = df.toJSON(); //defaults to column format

  { Abs: 20.2, Count: 34, 'country code': 'NG' },
  { Abs: 30, Count: 4, 'country code': 'FR' },
  { Abs: 47.3, Count: 5, 'country code': 'GH' }

//row format
const jsonObjRow = df.toJSON({
    format: "row"

  Abs: [ 20.2, 30, 47.3 ],
  Count: [ 34, 4, 5 ],
  'country code': [ 'NG', 'FR', 'GH' ]

Convert DataFrame/Series to JSON and write to local file path

Writing a DataFrame/Series as JSON, to a local file path is only supported in the Nodejs environment

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")

let data = {
    Abs: [20.2, 30, 47.3],
    Count: [34, 4, 5],
    "country code": ["NG", "FR", "GH"],

let df = new dfd.DataFrame(data);

df.toJSON({ filePath: "./testOutput.json" });

Convert DataFrame/Series to JSON and download file in browser

You can automatically convert and download a DataFrame/Series as a JSON file in a browser environment, by specifying a fileName and setting download to true.

let data = {
    Abs: [20.2, 30, 47.3],
    Count: [34, 4, 5],
    "country code": ["NG", "FR", "GH"],

let df = new dfd.DataFrame(data);

df.toJSON({ fileName: "test_out.json", download: true });

Last updated

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