Creating a Series

danfo.Series(data, options)



1D Array, 1D Tensor, JSON object.

Flat data structure to load into DataFrame



Optional configuration object. Supported properties are:

index: Array of numeric or string names for subseting array. If not specified, indexes are auto-generated.

dtypes: Array of data types for each the column. If not specified, dtypes are/is inferred.

config: General configuration object for extending or setting NDframe behavior. See full options here

In order to create a Series, you need to call the new Keyword and pass a flat data structure. In the following examples, we show you how to create a Series by specifying different config options.

Creating a Series from an object:

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")

obj_data = { 'B': ["bval1", "bval2", "bval3", "bval4"] }
df = new dfd.Series(obj_data)
║ 0 │ bval1 ║
║ 1 │ bval2 ║
║ 2 │ bval3 ║
║ 3 │ bval4 ║

Creating a Series from an array

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")

obj_data = ["bval1", "bval2", "bval3", "bval4"]
df = new dfd.Series(obj_data)
║ 0 │ bval1 ║
║ 1 │ bval2 ║
║ 2 │ bval3 ║
║ 3 │ bval4 ║

Creating a Series and specifying index and dtypes

You can create a Series and specify options like index, dtypes, as well as configuration options for display, and memory mode etc.

Note: Specifing dtypes, and index on Series creation makes the process slightly faster.

import { Series } from "danfojs"

let data1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let index = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"];
let dtypes = ["int32",]

let df = new Series(data1, { index, dtypes });
║ a │ 1 ║
║ b │ 2 ║
║ c │ 3 ║
║ d │ 4 ║
║ e │ 5 ║

Creating a Series and specifying memory mode

To use less space on Series creation, you can set the low memory mode as demonstrated below:

import { Series } from "danfojs"

let data1 = [1, 2.3, 3, 4, 5, "girl"];

let df = new Series(data1, {
    config: { lowMemoryMode: true }

Note: In low memory mode, less space is used by the Series.

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