
Streams a CSV file from a local or remote location in chunks. Each intermediate chunk is passed as a DataFrame to the callback function.

danfo.streamCSV(filePath, callback, options)




URL or local file path to CSV file.



Callback function to be called once the specifed rows are parsed into DataFrame.



Optional configuration object. Supports all Papaparse config options.

The streamCSV function streams a CSV file from a local or remote location in chunks. Each intermediate chunk is passed as a DataFrame to the callback function.

Stream CSV file from local path

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")
const path = require("path")

const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "raw_data", "titanic.csv");

dfd.streamCSV(filePath, (df) => {
    if (df) {
        // Do any processing here
//Showing few rows 

║            │ PassengerId       │ Survived          │ Pclass            │ Name              │ ...               │ Fare              │ Cabin             │ Embarked          ║
║ 676        │ 687               │ 0                 │ 3                 │ Panula, Mr. Jaa…  │ ...               │ 39.6875           │                   │ S                 ║

║            │ PassengerId       │ Survived          │ Pclass            │ Name              │ ...               │ Fare              │ Cabin             │ Embarked          ║
║ 677        │ 688               │ 0                 │ 3                 │ Dakic, Mr. Bran…  │ ...               │ 10.1708           │                   │ S                 ║


Stream CSV file from remote path

const dfd = require("danfojs-node")

const remoteFile = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensource9ja/danfojs/dev/danfojs-node/tests/samples/titanic.csv"

const callback = (df) => {
    //Perform any processing here
    if (df) {

dfd.streamCSV(remoteFile, callback, { header: true })
//Showing a few rows 

║            │ Survived          │ Pclass            │ Name              │ Sex               │ Age               │ Siblings/Spouse…  │ Parents/Childre…  │ Fare              ║
║ 523        │ 0                 │ 1                 │ Mr. John Farthi…  │ male              │ 49                │ 0                 │ 0                 │ 221.7792          ║

║            │ Survived          │ Pclass            │ Name              │ Sex               │ Age               │ Siblings/Spouse…  │ Parents/Childre…  │ Fare              ║
║ 524        │ 0                 │ 3                 │ Mr. Johan Werne…  │ male              │ 39                │ 0                 │ 0                 │ 7.925             ║


Last updated